Fangpic No.1 - Jann- Lee
Jann-Lee wiped his brow. "What is
happening to me?" he thought, as he gazed fixedly at the lithe,
determined-looking waif going through her warm-up routine across the floor from
"I'm Jann-Lee, warrior, who has prevailed against the mightiest of
opponents. I have fought this girl, Lei Fang many times. Why am I suddenly so
shaky; so unsure of myself?"
He glanced at the floor, but then his eyes again moved to the shapely, almost
perfectly-formed legs, made bare by the deep sash in the white costume that
clothed the Chinese beauty. His eyes then wandered to regard the sleek torso
before finally settling on the tenacious face. Her sensuality held him
Goose pimples covered his arms as he recalled his previous encounter with this
enchantress. Her touch, even though brutal at times, had sent shivers down his
spine. His animal desire to prevail against her had been then sadly depleted.
Now that same lack of feeling was overpowering him.
"It is no use," he concluded. "She has some kind of invisible
hold over me." His body throbbed with passion, as he felt an incredible
longing to simply take her in his arms and tenderly caress her.
What could he say? What could he do? He had never so much as spoken to her. She
had always been a rival and even though he had held respect for her fighting
ability, the mere presence of her had never before produced these intense
"I must say something to her." he decided, after what seemed an
eternity, but was in truth no more than a moment. "But what do I say? Might
she not scorn me? Will she be cruel and uncaring? How shall I know, unless I
Lei Fang came towards him in a menacing fashion. Jann-Lee stepped backward and
softly uttered her name, "Lei Fang".
His heart pounded, as he repeated, "Lei Fang". She hesitated; the
expression of curiosity on her face only serving to enhance her beauty.
Jann-Lee continued, almost gasping, "I just cannot do this. Not anymore;
not with you." Lei Fang dropped her guard slightly and tossed her head,
causing her pigtails to swing vigorously. She opened her mouth, as if to
respond, but then recoiled, with a blink of her captivating eyes, and gave a
Jann-Lee spoke again, in a pleading style,"I will not fight you. I cannot
tell what has come over me, but it has to do with you. I feel something;
something that has taken away my warrior instincts."
"It is you, Lei Fang," he grew bolder as she seemed to be attentive to
his ravings. "I feel something for you. It is like an overpowering emotion.
You are so beautiful, so enchanting!"
Lei Fang appeared disturbed, as she now broke her silence, "Jann-Lee,
you and I must battle. We must fight; this is our destiny!"
Jann-Lee became very emotional, "But I have feelings for you, Lei Fang. I
yearn to hold you; to caress you. Can you not see that I am sincere?" Tears
welled in his eyes.
Lei Fang relented slightly and took a step towards him. She opened her
hands and lay them in front of him. "Jann-Lee, these hands are a fighter's
hands. I am a woman; this is true, But I must put my passions aside. My true
feelings must be controlled. In this I find strength."
"Can nothing I may say change this?" sobbed Jann-Lee.
"I do not know, "Lei Fang replied, softly, "but one thing I do
know is that if I ever succumb, it shall be to someone as gallant and noble as
you, Jann-Lee. Give me time; time to think. This is what I ask."
"Very well," sighed Jann-Lee.
"Jann-Lee," questioned Lei Fang, almost with a gleam in her eye,
"for the sake of the game, can you not even pretend to be in combat with
me? After that whatever happens, happens, alright?"
"OK," said Jann-Lee, with a great deal more composure, "and
whatever happens after, happens!"
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