Fangfics 5
The coloured lights flashed, as the jukebox
pumped out 'Let's Groove' by "Earth, Wind and Fire'. Bass and Tina looked
lonely on the dance floor by themselves.
Jann-Lee leaned back in his chair; his hands behind his head. The DOA2 social
functions were not his scene, but he came along hoping to run into Lei Fang. He
was not sure how he might react to her presence; but he still wanted to
see her.
Before he could formulate any sort of game plan, she appeared at the door. She
looked fantastic: Her mauve dress hanging to her shoulders; clinging to
her body and cleaving at the thigh to reveal a tantalising portion of bare leg.
As she approached his table in the semi-darkness, Jann-Lee could see her eyes
He sensed butterflies in his stomach as he noted the irony of the tune, now
playing on the jukebox- 'Won't You Make Love To Me?'.
"Hello, Jann-Lee!" Lei Fang's sensual voice captured his attention.
"I didn't think you liked these little social gatherings."
"Actually, I don't, Lei Fang," replied Jann-Lee, placing his hands on
the table, "but I wanted to see you and I hoped you would be here."
"Jann-Lee," Lei Fang looked inquisitive, "you seem to have become
a bit of a recluse lately. I thought you were avoiding me."
Jann-Lee sighed with relief as he noticed a change in tempo emanating from the
jukebox, as 'Hopelessly Devoted To You' throbbed though the stillness.
"Can we dance?" he inquired, gesturing towards the modest dance floor.
Lei Fang nodded and Jann-Lee rose and boldly placed his arm around her slender
waist. The nearness of her sent his senses reeling. It was almost too much when
she snuggled her head against his shoulder.
"Lei Fang," Jann-Lee broke the silence, "I'm sorry about the
other night; the way it ended. Everything was happening so fast."
Lei Fang said nothing, although she was now so close to him he was becoming more
than aroused.
"It's just that all of my life I have had to fight for anything I've ever
had," Jann-Lee went on,
"and, when you came to me of your own free will, I was overwhelmed."
Lee Fang became excited as she perceived that Jann-Lee was becoming rigid in his
movements and seemed stimulated by her touch.
Lei Fang looked deeply into Jann-Lee's eyes and cheekily enquired," So what
happens now?"
"I'm not sure, Lei Fang," Jann-Lee responded. "I suppose I'll
sound like a hypocrite, but I've gone a bit cool on all that traditional stuff.
After all, we are adults capable of drawing our own conclusions. What do you
"Jann-Lee," whispered Lei Fang, "there is an irresistible
yearning within my being. I long for fulfilment. Though I am a fighter and a
warrior, I retain womanly needs and desires. You know, it took a great deal of
resolution to approach you that night in your room, only to leave with my
passion unanswered."
"Lei Fang," gasped Jann-Lee, "I am truly sorry for what happened.
How could I ever make it up to you?"
Suddenly, Lei Fang and Jann-Lee discerned that the music had stopped. They
looked around and saw, to their dismay, that everyone was laughing at them;
dancing to no music.
"How embarrassing!" snapped Lei Fang. "Let's sit down."
"How about a breath of fresh air outside?" suggested Jann-Lee.
Lei Fang quickly agreed and they were soon walking, hand in hand, along a
tree-lined path.
Jann-Lee stopped; tugged gently on Lei Fang's hand and embraced her. Gazing into
her beautiful eyes, he could sense the intensity of her desire. This caused him
to feel a little insecure.
Casting aside his doubts, he kissed her tenderly; she seemed to melt in his
arms. Jann-Lee's head was spinning. What did he feel? Desire? Passion, maybe
even Lust?
As they strolled, arm in arm, in the moonlight, Lei Fang spoke softly, "Jann-Lee,
do you think I'm pretty?"
Jann-Lee was stunned. "You are the loveliest girl I've ever seen, Lei
"Then," said Lei Fang, "I must tell you, Jann-Lee, that there is
a tempest raging within me that needs to be quelled. You are strong, Jann-Lee.
You have the stamina to lead me to contentment."
"Lei Fang," replied Jann-Lee, "I want to do what is right. I need
time to think. Could you grant me a few days to gather my thoughts?"
"Very well, Jann-Lee," sighed Lei Fang, "if you must, you
"Don't sound so morbid!" smiled Jann-Lee. "Come on, I'll walk you