It was a hot summer day; just a perfect day for
a picnic. Jann-Lee and Lei Fang walked arm-in-arm along a narrow path that
meandered through a secluded forest. The sunbeams seemed to dance through the
trees, as native birds joined in a noisy chorus.
Lei Fang looked captivating in a light blue skirt and a white blouse sprinkled
with a small flower design. Jann-Lee wore simply a white t-shirt and tan
knee-length shorts.
Jann-Lee spoke in serious tone,"Lei Fang, I am so happy you could come
today. We have so much to talk about."
Lei Fang appeared puzzled, as she replied, "We have to discuss something,
Jann-Lee took a deep breath and asked, "It's just that......do you think
you shall always be a fighter, Lei Fang?"
"To fight is my destiny," answered Lei Fang. "I could not
conceive of a life where I could not test an opponent."
"But, Lei Fang," Jann-Lee went on, "you are so feminine in many
ways. The stylish clothes you wear; the manner you carefully braid your
"I am a woman; this is true," replied Lei Fang, "but I am also a
fighter; and a good one."
They strolled on, in silence, for a short distance before Jann-Lee spoke again,
"There is a girl, back home; Mai-Lei. She writes to me. We grew up
"Is she beautiful?" asked Lei Fang, feeling a little uneasy.
"No, she is quite plain, actually," replied Jann-Lee, "or at
least she was. I haven't seen her for a year."
"Do you love her?" Lei Fang enquired, nervously.
"I thought I did; until I met you," answered Jann-Lee. "She is so
kind and thoughtful. She is forever cooking and sewing; cleaning and caring for
"Is that what you look for in a woman?" sneered Lei Fang. "A
domesticated type, to cater for your needs?"
"I am not sure," replied Jann-Lee. "This is why we need to
All at once, the two came upon a small waterfall, that tumbled into a wide rock
pool. The water looked crystal clear.
"Oh look!" said Lei Fang, thankful for a diversion. "It's
beautiful, Jann-Lee. Let's have a swim."
"I didn't bring my togs," shrugged Jann-Lee.
"Neither did I," giggled Lei Fang, as she quickly disrobed and dashed
into the water.
Jann-Lee looked embarrassed, as Lei Fang splashed about.
"Come on in," she shouted. "Are you a man or a mouse?"
Jann-Lee's pride was dented enough for him to take up the challenge; casting his
garments to one side.
Lei Fang gasped as she swiftly realised that Jann-Lee was indeed a man. She
quivered in anticipation, as he paddled through the water towards her.
"Lei Fang, are you not sorry you challenged me?" enquired Jann-Lee,
standing knee-deep in the water.
"Not in the least," replied Lei Fang, as she stood up and put her
hands on Jann-Lee's shoulders.
The temptation was too much for Jann-Lee as he swept Lei Fang into a passionate
embrace. He kissed her tenderly and gently caressed the back of her neck. Both
of them were becoming considerably aroused.
Lei Fang hugged Jann-Lee tightly, as she stood on tip-toes. She rolled her eyes;
laying her head on his shoulder and whispered, "Take me, Jann-Lee! Take me
Jann-Lee was steamed up and bursting with desire. It would take no great effort
to fulfil Lei Fang's request; but what about Mai-Lei, the girl back home. Should
he succumb to his feelings of lust now, could he ever face her again?
"Oh, Lei Fang," he gasped, "I want you so much; but I cannot. If
we join together now, we shall be bound to each other and I will have betrayed
Mai-Lei's trust. It would break her heart."
"What about me?" screeched Lei Fang. "My whole being aches for
you, Jann-Lee."
"I'm sorry, Lei Fang," sighed Jann-Lee. "I really wanted to
talk about things today. If I offend you, it is not my intention."
"Can't we talk afterwards;" pleaded Lei Fang, "after my soul has
been appeased?"
"We must wait, Lei Fang" said Jann-Lee. "I am going home in two
weeks to explain the situation to Mai-Lei. Until then, we must wait.
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